Pure energy of Tesla and sleeping under the stars.
What's included in your trip.
The Tesla
All our Teslas are ready for the Icelandic nature. Tesla 3 AWD long range and you can charge it while sleeping under the stars.
The Bubble
Some childhood dreams stay with us for our whole lives. Sleeping under the stars or watch the midnight sun is one of those lifelong dreams.
The Nature
No better way to experience the pure Icelandic nature than in a pure energy car and recharge your batteries in our Bubble while the car charges its batteries.
Experience the Nature without leaving any trace.
Hérna kemur texti sem útskýrir conceptið og hugsunina á bakvið vöruna. Hvernig getur þú upplifað Íslenska náttúru án þess að menga. Hreinasta orkan hleður bílinn á meðan þú upplifir náttúruna á einstakan máta.
The 5 Million Star Hotel
Some childhood dreams stay with us for our whole lives. Sleeping under the stars or watching the aurora borealis dance is one of those lifelong dreams. To fulfil these dreams the Bubble concept was born.
The River Charges the Car
Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings and more.

Two day trip
Looking for a quick way to experience the best of Iceland. Drive around in your Tesla and sleep under the stars for one night.
Price: $500

Three day trip
Two nights under the star gives you plenty of time to drive around and experience the most iconic spots in Iceland.
Price: $1000
What is included
Included / Price
One night in a bubble (2 adults) for the price of ISK 32,900 (as of 2 April 2019 this is USD 268) You can only stay two in each bubble. Infants up to 24 months old don´t need to pay and can stay with parents in a bubble. Children / teens (2 years to 16 years) can not stay alone in a bubble. We do not allow three people sleeping in a bubble (except one infant)
Check-in time
Please note that check-in to the bubbles is between 16:00 and 20:00 and check-out time is before 11:00 the morning after. Please respect the check-in times as the bubbles are located on a farmland and our reception hosts are only available to welcome guests between these hours.
No reception
We are not a normal hotel with reception. There will be a welcoming host meeting you when you arrive and showing you the bubble you booked. Please be sure to have a working mobile phone so we can be in contact with you. Also it is important to send us the correct mobile nr through Contact Us if you buy a Icelandic SIM card when you arrive.
Toilets / showers
There is a service house with two toilets and two showers guests can use. We also have additional two toilets up on the hill closer to the bubbles. At the service house there is free parking.
Late check-in fee
A late check-in fee of 7.500 ISK will be applied for those arriving after hours (after 20:00). We charge for this at location when people arrive.
Breakfast and dinner is not included. We recommend Cafe Krus in Selfoss for dinner and breakfast.
Things to do!
Nothing found.
"Highly recommend! Wish I could stay more than one night! Loved the privacy and secrecy of it all. Our guide was fantastic. Can't wait to go back and do again!"
— Marc Scott, Executive Officer

Two day trip
Looking for a quick way to experience the best of Iceland. Drive around in your Tesla and sleep under the stars for one night.
Price: $500

Three day trip
Two nights under the star gives you plenty of time to drive around and experience the most iconic spots in Iceland.
Price: $1000